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We think our boxes are pretty geeky good. But don't take our word for it...
Our Subscribers Say

Note about terms:
By subscribing you are entering into a contract for a recurring monthly or every other month (depending on the term type) payment. Your method of payment will be billed each month or every other month (depending on the term type) until you cancel and your term is over. Multimonth subscriptions have built in discounts and are commitment terms. If you choose a multimonth plan, you are agreeing to a commitment contract for the discounted rate; as such, you will be billed at the monthly price each month or every other month (depending on the term type) for the number of months selected. If you cancel before your commitment term has completed, you will continue to be billed monthly or every other month (depending on the term type) for, and receive the remaining boxes for the remainder of your term. The cancellation will take effect on your renewal date (i.e. a 12 month commitment cancelled after 8 months will continue to receive 4 more boxes which will be charged at the monthly price for the next 4 months; on the renewal at 12 months, the cancellation will go into effect).